That's right....
it's time to tune in your rabbit ears to Global TV (or whatever station brings you my favourite show) for the season premiere of
SURVIVOR FIJI. Tonight at 8:00 pm. Tomorrow you can leave a comment about how you thought tonight's show went!

ps- if you have cable, or HDTV, or Satellite, those options will work too!
Can I comment ASAP - I get to watch it two hours before you!!! haha! Better not check your comments!
Wow! Alot of people to keep track of at the beginning! Some interesting twists which I like. They sure have a truckload of ameneties on the well stocked camp! They are living in luxury!
Does that guy Rocky ever look like the other Rocky! (he even jumps around like him when he's nervous!) Odd names this season with Boo and Dreamz too.....
So happy to have it back! Kerry
what a great show, eh? I love Survivor. Maybe one day I will apply if they ever open it up to Canadians... nah - it's probably more fun to watch!
Not a chance would I ever apply... did you see the snakes on exile island!?!! I'd only consider it if the location was at West Edmonton Mall or something like that!! (And only then if I wasn't required to run around in a bikini!!!)
looks like a great one this time. and those snakes! ack! had me keeping my feet on the couch lol!!
Oh, I love survivor too! It's the ONLY TV show we watch. Really. Alexa tapes it for us, at 5:00 our time, so then we get to watch it at normal time at home! It's great and we really enjoy it (my Hubby and I). :)
Kinda sucks for that architecht Lady who now will have to join the team on the not-so-luxury beach... poor woman. She was due to end up there either way.
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