Tuesday, November 20, 2007

New Organizers

Last night we did a Costco run, and I found these great toy organizers for the kids' rooms... Made in Canada!! (at least the plastic parts are :) Steve and the boys put them together, then the kids all filled them. I got one for the boys' room that fits perfectly between their two dressers. We had been using 2 of the drawers for toys and books, but now we need those for clothes, so the toys have to go! Elise doesn't really have too many toys in her room yet, but that's coming!! She sure liked her new toy tubs!

Yes, Jen, these are the pants from you when she was born, and yes, they are WAY too small... Steve dressed E because I was sick today, and he said he put her in capris!!! Guess it's time to go through her clothes again, too!!!

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