Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Cocoa therapy

It's sweet, it's dark and it can stop a cough faster than a spoonful of syrup.... it's just one more reason to indulge in our favourite super-food: chocolate. Researchers in the United Kingdom have discovered that eating dark chocolate is more effective at halting a persistent cough than sipping codeine-based medicine. (MSN news)

Bring on the cough... I want some chocolate (cough cough... oh I just might have something for that!). This is good news for Steve... he only eats dark chocolate. But good news for me, too, because I just really love chocolate!


Tracy.H said...

Awww darn...I thought you were giving away candy ;0) Good to know!!

Leanne said...

This is fantastic news!!! I think I'm going to get some ummm... cough medicine ;) at lunch break!!!

Sarah said...

So sorry to disappoint you about not giving all the chocolate away... it's gone, actually! It was part of Steve's b-day gift in September and like I said...he likes dark chocolate!!