Saturday, March 13, 2010

Spring Break...

Spring Break is almost over. It's a happy/sad time because the kids are quite happy to be heading back to school on Monday, and truth be told, I'm kind of happy that the routine will be back in place. But at the same time, sad because it means that both my boys have turned a year older and I realize just how quickly this year is flying by.

I think we accomplished enough on Spring Break to say that it was a successful 2 weeks. Here is a quick summary... this will also explain why I haven't posted much...

- bought a new (to us) truck (shopping for a vehicle is a time consuming process, which took a total of 3 days of looking and test-driving, etc. But we found one, and I am happy to recommend Brent E at Mertin GM in Chilliwack if you are looking for a new or used vehicle. Tell him I sent you!!!!)
- enjoyed a kidless week (thanks to my parents)
- went out for dinner twice and breakfast once, and rented 4 movies while the kids were gone
- Steve and I spent a total of 5 days in Victoria ourselves
- sewing day with the girls (something I actually did manage to post about!)
- had 2 six-year-old boys for 2 weeks, now they are 6 and 7
- a couple mornings of scrapbooking
- read a number of books... just not sure what that number was - at least 4 books.

Here's a pic of the boys a couple days ago, while they were both still 6.

I hope you are enjoying a happy Spring Break, too, and gearing up for the start of the real Spring!!!

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