Friday, November 10, 2006

Growing up WAY TOO fast!

This little girl of mine is growing up way too fast. She sat in the highchair for the first time tonight... she's only 3 1/2 months old, but she LOVED it! Todd was all too happy to hand over the highchair to Elise, and Scotty crowned Todd a "big boy, because the highchair is Elise's now!" Obviously Elise didn't have anything to eat in the highchair (that will come soon enough!) it was just to socialize... that's my girl!


KerrySchwen said...

How did you get sooo cute Elise!!!
Love your lights up the whole room.

Louise said...

Hey Baby "Weese" - it's good to see an updated picture of you! Glad to see you aren't starving! Love Auntie "Weese" XO